Package toon :: Module optgroup
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Source Code for Module toon.optgroup

 1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
 2  """ 
 3  Groups of options set on the command line. 
 4  """ 
 5  VERBOSE = False 
7 -class OptionsError(Exception):
8 """ 9 Any error related to OptionsGroup 10 """ 11 pass
13 -class OptionsGroup(object):
14 """ 15 Its attributes are the its option names and values. 16 """
17 - def set_value(self, option_name, value):
18 """ 19 Sets a value of an option. 20 21 If value is a string, it will be casted to the type of the option 22 to be set. If the option is a tuple of 4 floats, for example, it 23 will be expected to in the form "1.0,0.8,0.2,1.0" where "," is the 24 separator. 25 26 :param option_name: Name of the attribute 27 :param value: Either a string, or any Python type. 28 """ 29 key = option_name 30 if not hasattr(self, option_name): 31 raise OptionsError("No no option named %s in options group" % (key)) 32 else: 33 attr = getattr(self, key) 34 attr_type = type(attr) 35 if attr_type in [int, float, str]: 36 try: 37 setattr(self, key, attr_type(value)) 38 except ValueError, e: 39 raise OptionsError("Could not convert value %s to type %s for option %s. %s" % (value, attr_type.__name__, key, e.message)) 40 elif attr_type is list: 41 tuple_length = len(attr) 42 if type(value) is str: 43 elements = value.split(",") 44 else: 45 elements = value # we assume it is a list 46 if len(elements) != tuple_length: 47 raise OptionsError("Option %s should have %s elements but has %s." % (key, tuple_length, len(elements))) 48 else: 49 for i in range(len(elements)): 50 element_type = type(attr[i]) 51 try: 52 attr[i] = element_type(elements[i]) 53 except ValueError, e: 54 raise OptionsError("Could not convert element %s (%s) to type %s for option %s. %s" % (i, elements[i], element_type.__name__, key, e.message)) 55 else: 56 raise OptionsError("Impossible to convert option %s of group %s to type %s." % (key, group, attr_type))
57 58 if __name__ == "__main__":
59 - class ExampleGroup(OptionsGroup):
60 - def __init__(self):
61 self.i = 3 62 self.f = 2.0 63 self.s = "qwe" 64 self.t4 = [1.0, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0] 65 self.t3 = [1.0, 0.8, 0.2]
66 import optparse 67 VERSION = '0.1' 68 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog", version=VERSION) 69 parser.add_option("-x", "--effect-option", 70 action="append", nargs=3, 71 help="Sets effect option") 72 (options, args) = parser.parse_args() 73 groups = {} 74 groups["ex"] = ExampleGroup() 75 print("Before:") 76 for name, group in groups.items(): 77 print(" %s: %s" % (name, group.__dict__)) 78 print("effect_option: %s" % (options.effect_option)) 79 if options.effect_option is not None: 80 for group, key, value in options.effect_option: 81 #if VERBOSE: 82 # print(" group:%s, k:%s, v:%s" % (group, key, value)) 83 if group not in groups.keys(): 84 print("No group named %s." % (group)) 85 else: 86 obj = groups[group] 87 obj.set_value(key, value) 88 #parse_options_groups(groups, options.effect_option) 89 print("After:") 90 for name, group in groups.items(): 91 print("%s: %s" % (name, group.__dict__)) 92